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About AsciiCoin

Welcome to the future of cryptocurrency with AsciiCoin - the latest sensation in the Meme-Coin space that's set to revolutionize the way we think about digital assets and blockchain technology. Built on the ultra-fast and secure Solana blockchain, AsciiCoin is not just another token; it's a groundbreaking leap forward, integrating cutting-edge technology with the nostalgic charm of ASCII. With a unique approach of allocating 1 million tokens for every character in the ASCII codex, we're merging the past, present, and future into one seamless digital experience.

At the heart of ASCII Coin lies an innovative technique that not only ensures it remains a stable store of value but also leverages the power of binary encoded Letters after the popular american Standard and promising future Ventures into DeFi and NFTS to maintain its integrity and scarcity. Our fair launch strategy has seen 80% of the tokens added to the liquidity pool, with the remaining 20% dedicated to securing further development and viral marketing efforts. This ensures that AsciiCoin is perfectly positioned for a Moonshot, ready to take the Solana-Ecosystem by storm.

Join us on this exhilarating journey as we push the boundaries of what's possible with ASCII Coin. Whether you're a blockchain enthusiast, a tech-savvy investor, or simply intrigued by the fusion of ASCII art and cryptocurrency, ASCII Coin offers an unparalleled opportunity to be part of something truly revolutionary. With our commitment to innovation, security, and community growth, ASCII Coin is poised to become a leading force in the cryptocurrency space. Don't miss your chance to be part of the AsciiCoin revolution!

CONTRACT ADDRESS: A2eSsTkoHDB6mgZafBFkY5JJYLZ129mkdNePnEuMfeHy Token Pair Chart

TokenPair on

1.000.000 XASC = 1 ASCII Character. Get in early - WAGMI Guys ez!

Your Image
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I wan't to dedicate AsciiCoin as a Project to good Relations between Austria/Europe and China!
China abviously the next World-Power of 21 Centurty is a great Friend and Ally to me, my People, my Fathers Business,
as well as to the AsciiCoin Team! We love working with you Guys thx! <3
		 🇨🇳 🇨🇳  🐼🐼🐼🐼 🪙 🪙 🪙 🪙 🪙  🇦🇹🇪🇺


Developer: the first 1000 uniq Wallet Addresses to buy $XASC are invited to the Pre-Sale of my next Solana Token.

Codename breadXbytes will be somewhat of a social Network Battle-Arena and will take a lot of Work to complete.

If you want to help me to get AsciiCoin viral or help me with my next Project once we reach Moon with Asciicoin,

please write Email us your Application on We are looking especially for Social-Media

Marketing-Wizards to help us promote AsciiCoin, Moderators for the Telegram-Channel as well as Developers proficient

in Ruste, Typescript and experienced with Smart Contract on Solana, also experience with X/Twitter API would be a Bonus

Thank you for your Support! Let's make Crypto great again! ;)
